Wednesday, August 30, 2006

le fall?

Next to last day in August, and it is a beaytiful autumn day.
The pack of lies that is circulating regarding Toronto`s weather continues.
I have variously been told " August is always ridiculously hot in Toronto", "in the winter we have snow 6 feet deep", "you will be unable to ride your bicycle", "minus 30PLUS the windchill"!
Perhaps it is a jealousy of the other bits of Canada that are not Toronto (where the remaining few thousand reside), having some serious weather. Or is it some Al Gore inspired global warming conspiracy, or bio terrorists?


SkookumJoe said...

No, it's cold. Cold-for-Canadians-cold.

Tip: Don't wear leather, it will crack.

citizen***146 said...

I am usually fine until somebody says "aren`t you cold"
All the students were painting each other purple here yesterday, it must be autumn, ergo, it may be cold.