Thursday, August 10, 2006

Altered reality, better get a "book"

I usually read the paper at work, the Toronto Star for the local stuff and occasionally the Globe and Mail for the bigger picture.
The story yesterday about the "enhanced" photographs unwittingly published by Reuters further erroded public confidence in what the Media tells us and how it is portrayed.
I gather this story was broken by someone from the blogging world, perhaps this is where the real news exists and gets reported and commented on!!
The newspapers are hopelessly handicapped by having to print the newshours before they publish, but the 24 hour TV and radio are only happy if they can get a reporter "live" on the scene and then endlessly replay bland question and officially guarded replies.
As I logged on I noticed an article about the current terror alert back home, perhaps it is me but I feel sure the TV station was primarily interested in flight delays. I will go to work and the papers will have nothing, perhaps it is time to get one of Douglas's "Books" so I can keep up and access the blogging world to find out what is happening.

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