Saturday, August 26, 2006

I should really have looked at the map

Today, I received a phonecall out of the blue from an ex colleague. We had talked , as you do, about a mutual interest, and then he left,........... and that was that!

Not any more, I had a phonecall from the beach, "Dude you have to get a wetsuit, Autumn is comming with waves. i paraphrase to cover the excitement.

So now I must buy a wetsuit,(the old one had one to many days of not being properly cleaned-that Yorkshire seawater doesnt come off without a fight) and make my way to ..the lake?

Yes its all freshwater here on Canada`s fake Eastern seaboard, still I cannot deny the anticipation of water so cold that you can not be sure it is not boiling. Pain is pain.

In my minds eye I still dream of Cornwall, now there was a beach, fine surf ,..and a bar!


SkookumJoe said...

I'd like to see you have a go on the lake in, say,'ll have to climb the wave and jump off.

citizen***146 said...

Yorkshire in January was fine, but a Canadian lake sans salt,could be tricky