Monday, November 13, 2006

Brave New world

Finished a run of quiet night shifts, decent conversations with a kindred spirit, coffee, and the radio sans advertissements.
My friend has no car either and no plans to get one, I feel I can rent , drive them hard and return them covered in mud( and because this is downtown -salt).
Toronto resembles a beach for much of the winter.
The Argonauts lost the semi final of the Canadian football whilst I slept, I got up to snatch a quick peak at The Eagles hanging on to their season, then went out to shop then on to work.
The radio had a live phone -in on time travel with an astro physics professor, several people rang in from Ohio to discuss their plans and half-built devices.
I developed a sudden urge to buy a 35mm camera and build a dark room here in the basement, had some more coffee.
The paper had the great quote from Donald Rumsfeld on "Unknowns" both known and unknown , and a good article ( re saddam) on hanging and how Canada was quite keen right up until 1962.
Returned home by fast bicycle( wind in the correct orientation), visited a few blogs I like including this with a great video from the eighties and certainly the golden age of commentary a young Phil Ligget on the Tour de France courtesy of you tube.
At work I bumped into a Bulgarian Doctor, whom proceeded to demonstrate his skill at a form of Bulgarian wrestling on my colleague. He really was quite impressive in his balance and strength, and a discussion on the various forms of effective martial arts ensued ( I used to be a big fan of televised sumo wrestling( watch american football and the essentially sumo beauty comes screaming out).
I intend to take up a martial art next year and am open to suggestions!
We also stopped off at a drum shop and remembered that I keep threatening to buy a Bhodran as well as a violin.
Lots of plans, no car , music , martial arts, new job, more internet exploration, Brave New world indeed , ps "Run lola run' meant to be a great film , Anyone seen it? ......................


Anonymous said...

run lola run is good, worth watching.


Anonymous said...
