Friday, November 17, 2006

Happiness is playing Bingo.

Been talking to several people recently re Consumerism, the Media and how it`s all going to hell.
Popular themes for the internet to be sure.
How I know that the conspiracy theorists have it right.
2. My television here in Toronto is running adds with the jingle 'Happiness is playing BINGO"
3. The American`s have their first Muslim Senator, a fellow Senator asked him to prove he was not part of a sleeper cell out to destroy America!
4. OJ has a book out saying how he did it and adding" hypothetically of course."
5. The above book is being pushed by FOX tv in a two part special.
6. The war in Iraq can still be ended with a handover of power to the local police says a senior army General.
7. Global warming still nothing to worry about, a Toronto Zoo Polar Bear dies of WEST NILE DISEASE.
8. Canada votes to extend "detain without trial" laws for another two years, for parties suspected of links to terrorism.
9. For my NEXT "Leaf Blower" why not upgrade to the Leaf Blower 2007 models?
10. The new Al Jazeera tv may be "hard to get" due to US pressure to have only High quality TV with integrity available to its citizens, plus they dont want any lies broadcast.
There are of course hundreds more reasons, but perhaps Alan Partridge summed it up well , this country ........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you wouldn't think polar bears would do well against tropical diseases - but you rarely see one with the flu