Saturday, December 16, 2006

Embarrassing facts of life

Yonge street December 2005. It was very cold, very windy, and and as a new arrival fresh from the old country absolutely Great.

All the traffic was forcibly slowed and the citizens walked the streets with smiles on their faces ( may have been grimaces).

Last night as I rode my bicycle to work, a small spaceship was doing donuts on a local tennis court.

At second glance it was a Zamboni ice cleaning vehicle creating an ice rink,

they must plug them in or something as it was a balmy plus 6C.

I sighted several more rinks around town during the shift and it looked great fun, although I only know it as painful!

Toronto has no snow, and its warm, the numbers are in for the UK and it`s going to be another record year for temperatures, Lapland has no snow!

In an article in the Independent newspaper today a father talks of his son`s visit to Santa`s Hood, only to get mired in slush, "I had to have a little talk with him about global warming!"

Transport Services published a small paper and added it to the junk mail in our letterbox. The main priority is to keep main roads and expressways clear for emergency and transit vehicles.

" If 5cm of snow has already fallen and it is continuing to snow, ploughs are sent out to these roads. If 5-8cm of snow has fallen, ploughs are also sent out to collector roads, bus routes or residential streets with hills."

It goes on to advise waiting for 24 hours after snow has stopped falling, before ringing them to moan about your street, and if you live downtown with it`s narrow twisted boulevards, you can forget it!

My snow shovel is on standby.......


SkookumJoe said...

you shouldn't live in TO, it's bad for you. mississauga is only close by and look at those poor bastards. No you and your lady friend must flee Winipeg, perhaps. I hear they have a ballet.

citizen***146 said...

we shall see how it plays out!
Here in downtown the subway negates the traffic and the snow, and if we get a green christmas this year we should make up for it with a snowy February to April.