Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Citizen Smith

This archive image from promotional material published by the Tooting popular front early eighties .
Walking past the subway early today, was stopped by a man handing out leaflets on behalf of Mr Che, whom is running for the city council.
Mr Chen appeared out of left field and shook my hand. I told him that Iwas an immigrant and therefore could not vote, he said"I am an immigrant too" and moved on to kiss a baby .
He had not really addressed my issues which are that as a landed immigrant and not a Canadian citizen I am unable to vote. I own property, live, and pay taxes in this city, not enough.
Until 1988, being British was enough, now perhaps because there is an election for Mayor going on there are rumours of a change?
This brings up the whole citizen thing.
Citizens born in Canada do not have to swear alleigance to the queen.
Citizens born in the Uk do not have to swear alleigance to the queen.
To be a Canadian Citizen I have to wait for three years, apply, memorise the names of a lot of hockey players, swell as the national anthem, and then swear alleigance to the queen!
Swearing alleigance to Canada would be so much easier for all of the hundreds of thousands of immigrants whom chose to come to Canada.
The Australians keep having votes to become a republic and staying the same, perhaps the Canadians are saving themselves the trouble and expense, but why not let all your citizens vote?
I for one am desperately keen to have my say on the issue of storm water runoff and the implications for the number of new car parks created this fiscal year, I fear that in three years time people may have moved on......


SkookumJoe said...

ironically voting is mandatory here and I'm happy as a Permanent Resident because I don't have to vote.

citizen***146 said...

Wearing a bike helmet is also mandatory in Gods playground, it makes me wonder how it all went so well , for so long, then in came the stupid laws!