Wanted to write something about climate change having heard the politicians setting ambitious targets for Canada by 2050!
With elections galore in Canada and the Uk in political turmoil, an unseemly scrambling is occuring to suggest that green politics has a place at the core of every politician. They appear caring, statesman like, and( particularly in Canada) as if they are playing on the global stage. The North Americans 300 million in the US, and 30 million here in Canada, know that if they could just persuade India and China to stop delvelopment everything would be FINE.
Canada is desperate to develop an International image after several polls found that it didn`t have one, aside from lumberjacks and bears. The environment would appear to be perfect. As one of the least densley populated countries on the planet, the second largest by area, 10% of the worlds fresh water-we have it made!
Unfortunately, are politicians are even worse at prevaricating than most, perhaps reflecting a population that is making a huge thing out of Halloween and "Canadian Idol" and doesnt want to be bothered by voting...