Sunday, March 25, 2007


Spring came to southeast Ontario on Friday afternoon, so much so that even the smokers couldn`t taint the air as I sipped my coffee, sitting outside doing nothing in lieu of studying.
It`s exam time again, and as usual some people are doing less well in their heads than in reality.
Constant studying, not sleeping, no exercise, worrying about promotion prospects if they get that difficult question that comes up once every three and half years ( everyone knows the answer , but it`s prescence is taken as a sign that the crops will fail).
A few of us have taken to the executive workout, 20 mins pretending to swim, then 20 mins in the sauna!
Back in the day, I used to walk the dog in lieu of studying, now, sans dog, I sit in the sauna thinking about getting a dog.
Exactly the same as last year, and not withstanding global warming, it is gorgeous outside the bulbs are comming up, but the trees are on an eight week hold cycle until MAY 24th when Canada suddenly screams into spring after the last snow.
The papers In the UK are full of a new kind of cannabis that is much stronger than before due to selective breeding and growing techniques. We grew this sunflower, we still have all the seeds, this year its going to be BIG. Next weekend Project Sunflower begins with an indoor forced air, rotational positioning operation, or I may just get a pot for it................

1 comment:

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

The center of the flower looks vaguely like a vagina with teeth.