Monday, January 01, 2007

je ne comprend pas! 100/2x3 +45 -103

Appologies for using beaker again but this is one of my default images when there is no time to upload any photos and I need to get a blog out in order to sleep at night.
Things I cannot believe:
1. Its January already.
2. Its plus 9C !
3. The eagles are NFC east Divisional Champions .
4. My snow shovel has had no use whatsoever.
5. I won a wine tasting for 15 people in a radio competition.
6. I was unable to do the skill testing question for the same! Seriously the rogers video guy had to come over and say not to worry about it the answers 92, having initially said there is a skill testing question but it is very easy!
100/2x3 + 45 -103 I must have a mental block for this sort of stuff, now I start the year feeling more stupid than normal..................


SkookumJoe said...

I always wondered what that was for.

Sandra said...

I'd need a pencil and the back of an envelope to work that one out.

citizen***146 said...

I still say they made an error, given that they don`t appear to expect to get any people unable to do it.
At least it was not over the phone, or live on the radio!