Monday, July 31, 2006

Jury Service?

This has been running around in my head for years,but that`s as it should be.
Musing upon integrity,truth ,honour and my place in the Galaxy I came to believe that there needs to be a JURY `twelve good men and true` to judge matters arising.
The twelve good MEN went out of the window a while ago,rightly so, but have they ever been that good(OJ)?
So ,here it is, the list as it stands, in case of emergency,
1. Sir patrick Moore.
2. Seven of Nine.
3. Adam Hart Davis.
4. Dali Lama.
5. The Emergency Medical hologram.
6. Arnold Rimmer.
7. Bob Geldof.
8. David Duffield.
9. Fred Dibnah.
10. Billy Connolly.
11. Jane Tomlinson.
12. Paula Radcliffe.

Unlike in real life we all get to choose,
late for work again.

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