Sunday, February 04, 2018

So I do remember how to add photos, don't do this much any more now I am in training

So this still works?
Long time since I was here but delighted to find some photos that I'd lost, wonder if  I can save another one?

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

So I do remember how to add photos, don't do this much any more now I am in training

3 years out , and maybe the blog is back

Three years since adding to the blog whilst I settled back into uk.
Tried to add some comments to a blog by a fellow outlaw triathlon entrant and was unable to do so because of needing to have an account, perhaps it will work now

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Canadia summer

they make all that snow with mashed potato.....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

yorkshire gold

this is what coming back to the UK is all about...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

China closes Everest

China has closed the Tibetan side of the mountain and persuaded Nepal to do the same on their side , in order to parade the olympic torch......

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

one forty seven!

The benefits of time on my hands......

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

moving on!!

2 minutes and four seconds for thirty zombies, as my current job search leaves plenty of time for training as wariorr typist......

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dreaming of Summer...

As we near record winter snow fall ( since 1938 anyway) at just under 2m for the season, the thought of open air tomato growing seems unreal......

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Resignation Blues

No blogs for a while as I have been tied up resigning!
A return to the UK is in order and emotions run from mild anxiety to out and out excitement regarding a return to the mother land, first got to sell the house, and that starts tomorow, then get a job, find somewhere to live, buy a car , and get a laptop to stay linked up during the exodus.

It really is amazing how people who couldn't be bothered to talk to me pre resignation now want to know all about me, my family, and what we are going to do.
If I could get away with the above T shirt would cut them off nicely.
The others, people who I like, have been great, pointing out that most of those advising me that it is a mistake to spend lots of money moving around the world have never even left the family home. Lots of armchair quaterbacks with eyes on the new 2009 model for just another few years at 70 hours a week living in the basement...............

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Going home from the game..

Philadelphia in the December sunshine....

That statue

There is a wealth of American history in Philadelphia , including a church where 5 US presidents worshipped, Philly being the capital for a few years, however there is also a statue of Rocky next to the famous stairs.
They have moved the statue a few times as it was not doing great business....

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Spent 5 days in Philadelphia, as an early Christmas present, and attended my first home game in 23 years of following the Philadelphia Eagles.
As is obvious it was on the cold side, and we lost, HOWEVER, I lucked out on trouser choice( I`ve found this hardly ever happens) as it was armed services appreciation day and nobody spilled beer on me,or pushed me around in the beer queue....

Saturday, December 01, 2007

U gotta hear it to believe it..

On this first day of December, "Environment Canada" are predicting the coldest winter in the last 15 years. This ice storm was the first I ever saw last winter(when it was especially mild, like the one before). In short we have been lucky so far and as we go into our third winter we can expect more fantastic sounds as the trees become huge windchimes, you got to hear it to believe it....

It`s like..3.00 flat

It`s like awesome dude, aside from all you ever need to read is deadspin at from whence this fine shirt was found on one of the host of excellent links.
Back to fine dexterity, my zombie killing typing is 59 secs quicker than when last posted and now firmly in the grade D typing pool.....

Saturday, November 17, 2007

North American Style

This week I am working out what kind of vehicle is convertible and carry the surfboard, and this is it, the motoring press don`t like it so thats almost a done deal..

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


This poorly placed pillow stood very little possibility of persevering against a pillaging poodle....

three 53!

Its finally happened, I can now touch type faster than just using two fingers, easily offing thirty zombies under the two finger record of 3 mins 59 seconds..........
It may sound trivial but this is a new skill, and if you ever saw me put needles in people, dexterity is is just a long word....

Friday, November 02, 2007

Not much in the News

Not much in the news now that Halloween is over and nobody noticed All Saints Day.
The NFL played a game in "jolly old England" as they insisted on referring to it, the announcers being particularly pleased that it rained for the entire game.
The canadian dollar is now at 1.06 on the greenback and all of Canada will be shopping in the states for Christmas.
The touch typing is coming on giving me shooting pains in the forearms and neck, it should be like that right? This is typed with two fingers, as the record for a thirty zombie kill on "typing of the Dead" still stands at 3 minutes 59 seconds with two fingers and an impressive 4 minutes 58 with all ten of them....

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A long time of nothing may end here, inspired to break out of everyday pressures and get back to the blog by my three favourite blogs and /
the first is wasted in a proper job and should write full time or at least be on the radio ,the second is second to none in sports,well cycling anyway, and the third is just great.
Above is me and the boy wonder GEORGE next to a large fibreglass apple conveniently located just off the middle of nowhere Ontario. We didn`t buy any apples and George was sick...................

Sunday, August 12, 2007

11 hours from here

Going to book some time off for October, we always go away for our wedding anniversary in September but for the first time in 10 years WORK will get in the way.
This was last year in Long Island New York. Due to George and the fact that Canada is on the big side we will be driving North East for a few well earned days off.
It`s the last day of the "Taste of the Danforth" festival, and it will be good to get rid of the hoards, might wander down to see if any of the drinks promo teams are giving stuff away.
David Beckham is alledgedly injured again having managed 19 minutes last week in his debut, there is said to be a meteor shower tonight, so will look for the binoculars.
As the token English person in a workforce of rounders* supporters, I have been solicited to indulge in the football fantasy pool, apparently it`s August already, that means it`s nearly time for the other football and the Eagles, and bt Christmas we should know if Alberto Contador has joined Landis as the two men who may or may not have won the tour de France......

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Starbucks 171!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From U tube this guy answers the question, How many Starbucks stores are there in Manhattan, and can I visit them all in one day?

all of the cake

We have a basic cable tv package, which means that we don`t get HBO, CNN , Al jazera, or the first run of almost anything. What we do get is a good insight into US politics, far to much weather, some good Canadian programs that they wont bother with in the US or anywhere else.
HOWEVER, here in the ether I can listen to absolutley anything on the internet, watch a huge amount of stuff on U tube, read all the worlds papers( those published in my first and only language). So why bother with TV, hmm.............

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

going to hell in a handcart

just like one of the wicked witches I can feel myself melting, its is moving on to 35 and the heat warning is all over the tv again giving the local 24 hour news channel something to talk about bringing in countless weather experts to say , cominng up after the break its still hot.
The city is rapidly running out of answers for the huge amount of debt it is in. They considered taking overtime off the Police, closing one of the four subway lines , and have actually started closing the library on Sundays( UNLESS THERE IS A HEAT WAVE IN WHICH CASE OT WILL HAVE TO BE OPEN TO KEEP THE PENSIONERS ALIVE) it will be no more snow removal, but it still remains illegal to shovel your snow onto the pavement or the roadway or your neighbours property, I am not sure if the snow falling on my front "garden" belongs to me or the city as its their land......................

Saturday, July 28, 2007

This is a secret bunker I have whittled out of the sandy soil bebneath the house, looking carefully you can see all the tree roots that make the growing of plants in the front garden an impossibility.
There are plans to extend it the five miles to work to enable me to keep cycling in the winter..............