At last some decent snow here in TO, in keeping with common wisdom it had to warm up a bit first reaching a balmy -5 today.
Last week I hit another on planet record of -20 with a windchill to -30, for reasons I wont go into we were outside at night for what should only be described as too long.
I have learnt that it is possible to have extreme pain from windchill alone, I may grow a beard next winter! I raced around this morning to do some remedial shovelling with the inherited shovell only to have the handle break off, it still works.
David Suzuki made an appearance at last nights Bare Naked Ladies concert that I was fortunate enough to have tickets for.
He has been a very famous environmentalist here in Canada for about 30 years and only this last year have they stopped ridiculing him. The local paper has put forward its own list of expectations for TO`s environmental obligations as the mayor and other officials plan fact finding committees and other political dead ends .
The conservative pm is following his southern opposite number in spirit, the US never signed KYOTO, Canada signed then went on to more important issues like coffee and donuts!
Canada can do better, at least we can do better than the states? no seriously we can..........